2025 Hawaii Suzuki Institute
STUDENT INSTITUTE (Violin /Viola / Cello):
Tuesday, July 29 - Friday, August 1, 2025
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Music Department
Final Student Concert: Friday, August 1, 2025 at 6:00PM
(free and open to the public)
VIOLIN COURSE with Charles Krigbaum
Enrichment Course: “Exploring Violin Technique (Technical Development for Books 1-3)”
See below for more information.
CELLO COURSE with Nancy Hair
Cello Unit 1: 28-hour Classwork & 15-hours Observation
See below for more information.
The Hawaii Suzuki Institute is designed for violin and cello students who desire a four-day intensive study of the philosophy and pedagogy of the respected Japanese educator, Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. Students of all ages and levels are welcome to attend. We will have classes for Twinkle through Advanced Levels. If your child plays viola, please contact the institute director and we may be able to accommodate your child. The student application deadline is May 20, 2025. Late applications will be accepting for an additional $50 fee, pending space available. If your book level's slots are full, you may be assigned only group classes and receive a refund for the masterclass portion.
Classes Offered
Masterclass (daily lesson, for all registered violin students. Optional MC for Cellists Book 4+ as additional fee)
Group Repertoire Class (for everyone; by age and ability)
Enrichment Courses (selected from the list below, mornings only, Book 1-3)
Movement (for younger students)
Music Mind Games
Technique Class (afternoons only, Book 4+)
Student Sample Schedule
Students in Twinkle through Book 3 will have classes in the morning. Book 4 through Advanced levels will have classes from 1pm. All students will receive a masterclass.
Daily Violin /Viola Schedule
8AM - 11:15AM Classes for Twinkles through Book 3 Levels
11:15AM - 12PM Free educational lectures for parents & teachers, hosted by visiting faculty
1PM - 5PM Classes for Book 4 through Advanced Levels
If you are staying for the whole day, you will want to bring your own lunch, as dining options are limited.
Daily Cello Schedule
8AM - 11:15AM Classes for Book 1-3 Levels
11:15AM - 12PM Free educational lectures for parents & teachers, hosted by visiting faculty
1PM - 3PM Masterclasses available for Extra fee (Book 4 and up only)
1PM - 5PM Classes for Book 4+
If you are staying for the whole day, you will want to bring your own lunch, as dining options are limited.
Parking is available in the parking garage adjacent to the building. Please note that UH strictly monitors and enforces parking rules throughout the day, and they will not be allowing us to park in front of Orvis this year.
Drive down the hill next to the music building and pay the attendant $5 all-day parking (credit card only). Park on the bottom floor on the far left right as you enter, and take the elevator up to the top floor. Walk across the street to the music building.
On Friday, keep your ticket receipt so you can come back and park for the evening concert.
Group Class / 2025 Final Concert Repertoire
10-hour Enrichment Course, No Observations Required. Attendance is mandatory to get credit for the course.
VIOLIN COURSE FEE: $250 / Participant (Tuition & SAA Recording Fee). Viola Teachers are welcome to register.
Violin Teacher Training Times:
Friday, July 25: 9AM- 12PM
Saturday, July 26: 3-5PM
Sunday, July 27: 12-2PM
Tuesday, July 29: 9-10AM (during the Institute)
Wednesday, July 30: 9-10AM (during the Institute)
Thursday, July 31: 9-10AM (during the Institute)
All classes are held at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, College of Music.
Application is below. Space is limited.
28-hours Coursework & 15-hours Observation. Attendance is mandatory for all classes.
CELLO COURSE FEE: $525 / Participant (Tuition & SAA Recording Fee)
Cello Teacher Training Times:
Friday, July 25: 4-8PM (with 1 hour dinner break)
Saturday, July 26: 8:30-11:30AM and 12:30-2:30PM
Sunday, July 27: 2:30-6:30PM
Monday, July 28: 9AM-12PM and 1-3PM
Tuesday, July 29: 4-7:30PM (with 30 min dinner break)
Wednesday, July 30: 4-7:30PM (with 30 min dinner break)
Thursday, July 31: 4-7:30PM (with 30 min dinner break)
No class Friday
Saturday, August 2: 9-12PM
All classes are held at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, College of Music. Attendance is mandatory at all classes to get credit for the course. Maximum enrollment is 15 students per class for the Cello Unit 1 Course. No observers and Auditors permitted. Every Child Can (ECC) is required prior to taking Unit 1. Application is below.
Registration Deadline: May 25, 2025. Applications may be accepted after the deadline for a $50 late fee.
The SAA Teacher Development Program is an in-depth pedagogical study for professional musicians. To qualify as a Participant in the course, you must submit and pass an audition. All audition materials must be submitted to the SAA and approved by course start, to receive credit for the course.
Please see the SAA Audition Guidelines for more details.
Attendance to all classes is mandatory to receive credit for the course.
Trainer: Charles Krigbaum
Course Title: “Exploring Violin Technique (Technical Development for Books 1-3)
Trainer: Nancy Hair
Course: Cello Unit 1
2025 Faculty
Liz Arbus (CA) - Violin / Viola
Amy Gesmer-Packman (CO) - Violin
Dr. Bryan Hall (GA) - Violin
Charles Krigbaum (TX) - Violin & Teacher Training
Ellie LeRoux (MN) - Violin
David Strom (MD) - Violin
Nancy Hair (MA) - Cello & Teacher Training
Violin / Viola - Twinkle through Book 3: $290
Violin / Viola - Book 4 and Up: $330
Cello - Twinkle through Book 3: $220 (No masterclass included)
Cello - Book 4 & Up: $220 (No masterclass)
Optional Cello Masterclass for Book 4 & Up Students Only: $130 (Space limited)
Violin Teacher Training: $250
Cello Teacher Training: $525
REQUIRED ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $40 per local families (for Students & Teacher Training). Membership is not required for out-of-town students and teachers.
Registration Deadline is May 25, 2025. Late applications will be accepted for a $50 fee, and pending availability.
Annual Membership is valid from September 1, 2024 through August 30, 2025.
Family members and teachers of enrolled students may observe institute student classes at no charge.
Click on the button below to register for the 2025 Suzuki Hawaii Institute. Thank you!
Parent involvement is an integral part of the Suzuki Method philosophy. HSI heavily relies on parent volunteers, and our aim is for 100% participation to make HSI possible. We ask that parents perform "mini-jobs", such as offer faculty transportation to/from the airport, bring leis for the visiting faculty, volunteer at the information desk, bring snacks and goodie bags for the Faculty, and much more! We thank you in advance for your kokua.

2016 HSI: Ms. Kimberly Meier-Sims in a Twinkle Class, tuning

2016 HSI: Twinkle Class

2016 HSI: Final Concert Twinkle Group with Ms. Emily Bowman

2016 HSI Twinkle Group with Ms. Liz Arbus

2016 Pre-Twinkle Class with Mr. David Strom

2018 Pre-Twinkle Class with Ms. Kimberly Meier-Sims

2018 HSI: Book 4 Class with Mr. Allen Lieb

2018 HSI Final Concert: Mr. David Strom with Pre-Twinkle Group

2018 Final Concert: Advanced Group

2023 HSI: Cello Groups. Institute Director Sheryl Shohet on stage

2023 HSI: Ms. Andrea Yun with a cello student

2023 HSI: Advanced Group

2023 HSI Final Concert

2023 HSI: Final Concert Pre-Twinkle students